Oxford Brookes University and Experience Oxfordshire offer fully-funded training programme in post pandemic recovery drive

In a response to the challenges currently facing the county’s visitor economy, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford Brookes Business School and Experience Oxfordshire have announced an exclusive, fully-funded, management programme designed to support visitor economy businesses post pandemic.

The “Help to Grow” management course combines a practical curriculum with one-to-one-support from a business mentor, peer-learning sessions and an alumni network.  Businesses will benefit from modules created to enhance their strategic management capability including production of a growth plan building in resilience to future disruption; insights into using digital technologies to boost productivity and operational agility; methods for improving employee engagement and introducing responsible business practices.

The course is fully-funded, thanks to government funding and a fee-waiver from Oxford Brookes University’s Business Support Fund. The course runs from 7 March to 13 June 2023 and is open to businesses with 5-249 employees.

Hayley Beer-Gamage, Experience Oxfordshire’s CEO commented: “Experience Oxfordshire’s recent Economic Impact Study* has highlighted a number of issues facing visitor economy businesses including staff recruitment and retention in the sector. By following this highly practical course, Oxfordshire’s businesses have a fantastic opportunity to step outside of their day-to-day activities and discover ways to improve their operations and invest in their teams. At the end of the programme, participants will have developed a growth plan for their business to help them release its potential. The course is valued at £7,500 and offers a fantastic opportunity as places are exclusively being offered fully-funded to Oxfordshire’s visitor economy businesses. This collaboration with Oxford Brookes University is a great example of the partnership approach required to ensure Oxfordshire’s visitor economy continues to recover and thrive.”

Professor Tim Vorley, Pro Vice-Chancellor & Dean of Oxford Brookes Business School said: “We are delighted to be working with Experience Oxfordshire in delivering this exciting and proven development programme exclusively for the visitor economy industry.”
















For more information and to register for the course view the leaflet and visit www.brookes.ac.uk/help-to-grow





Experience Oxfordshire is the official Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for Oxfordshire. We are the trading arm of the parent charity, Experience Oxfordshire Charitable Trust, and are a not-for-profit partnership organisation that is committed to the promotion, management, and development of Oxfordshire as a great destination to live, work, visit and do business whilst improving growth and productivity across the visitor economy. The DMO provides essential business advice and support to visitor economy businesses across Oxfordshire.

For more information on Experience Oxfordshire go to experienceoxfordshire.flywheelstaging.com/partner

Contact: Lesley Wright/ Email: press@experienceoxfordshire.org /Call: 01865 686433


Help to Grow is an initiative sponsored by Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and focuses on training to help SME business leaders to increase productivity, seize investment opportunities and grow their business.


Help to Grow Management Course, Oxford Brookes Business School



* The Economic Impact Study 2021 was commissioned by Experience Oxfordshire and examines the volume and value of tourism to the local economy, with further regard for employment generated because of it.
