Experience Oxfordshire appoints new board members

The Chair of Experience Oxfordshire, Joanna Davidson CBE, was delighted to officially welcome two new Board Directors and Trustees at the recent board meeting held at Bicester Hotel Golf and Spa. Cllr Duncan Enright and Nicola Poole joined the current Board in their task of supporting, advising and guiding Experience Oxfordshire, the county’s destination management organisation (DMO).

A former Mayor of Witney and current Deputy Leader at West Oxfordshire District Council, Cllr Enright is Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Travel & Development Strategy. This portfolio encompasses many services essential to a thriving visitor economy including infrastructure, digital connectivity, broadband, connecting Oxford (travel hubs, rail, waterways) and economic development. He runs his own award-winning specialist publishing company and is Director of a leadership development organisation.

Nicola Poole, as Director of Culture and Innovation at 233-year-old Hedges Law, is credited with bringing the esteemed firm into the 21st century. Driving a values-led culture and ensuring excellent customer service through the use of high spec technology, she transitioned the company to become one of the few employee-owned law firms in England. Nicola serves as an ambassador for the Prince’s Trust “Women Supporting Women” initiative and is passionate about the outdoors.

The appointments will further strengthen an already experienced Board of Directors. Board Members are drawn from all sectors of the local business community, with each one sharing their expertise and experience on a voluntary basis. This invaluable support enables the company to continue to flourish as a leading DMO as it grows and develops the visitor economy.

Commenting on their appointment, Experience Oxfordshire Chair, Joanna Davidson CBE said: “I am delighted to have two such experienced professionals, with diverse yet complementary skills and experience, join us. Cllr Enright, through his work in local government and current portfolio, brings insights which will be invaluable in our work supporting the recovery of the county’s visitor economy. Nicola Poole has strong professional links with Oxfordshire, and I’m delighted that we will now have the benefit of her knowledge, experience, and infectious enthusiasm for business as we look to develop our Partnership network and promote Oxfordshire as a great destination to live, work, visit and do business.”

Cllr Enright said: “The visitor economy in Oxfordshire has suffered severely through the impact of the global pandemic. International tourism is returning, and it is essential that, as a destination, we are ready and able to capitalise on opportunities arising to ensure that everyone in Oxfordshire, businesses and residents, benefits. I am delighted to join the Experience Oxfordshire Board at this critical time. Experience Oxfordshire has been recognised for its leadership abilities, and I am confident that our destination will recover, not least in part to the continuing efforts of this organisation.”

Nicola Poole said: “I’m honoured to have been invited to join the Experience Oxfordshire Board, and am delighted to be able to bring some of my expertise to the great work that Experience Oxfordshire does. I believe that there’s a fantastic opportunity to further elevate Oxfordshire’s standing as one of the best places in the country to enjoy, live, work and thrive.”

Details of all the Experience Oxfordshire Board can be found at:
Chair of the Board and Board Members | Experience Oxfordshire


Name: Lesley Wright
Email: press@experienceoxfordshire.org
Call: 01865 686433


Available via the following link

Image 1: Cllr Enright
Image 2: Nicola Poole


Experience Oxfordshire is the official Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for Oxfordshire. We are the trading arm of the parent charity, Experience Oxfordshire Charitable Trust, and are a not-for-profit partnership organisation that is committed to the promotion, management, and development of Oxfordshire as a great destination to live, work, visit and do business whilst improving growth and productivity across the visitor economy. The DMO provides essential business advice and support to visitor economy businesses across Oxfordshire. For more information on Experience Oxfordshire go to experienceoxfordshire.flywheelstaging.com/partner